Why do I always feel like blogging is such a pain, when it's really not? I'm just incredibly lazy. I thought I'd share a bit of an update on our lives since the last time I wrote (seven months ago!). I know a lot of people say a lot can happen in seven months, but trust me, a lot HAS happened in seven months...
For starters, we're having a baby! I found out on January 29th at approximately 2:30 in the morning after an emergency trip to Walmart. As you can imagine, I rushed to the bathroom after I got home, peed on the stick, and two pink lines appeared. My jaw pretty much hit the floor and so many thoughts ran through my mind. Honestly, my VERY first thought was "Crap. There's no going back... this thing has to come out of me." I know, cute, right? My second thought was "How am I going to do this?" I was a little excited, but honestly, I was more scared than anything (And I still am). I don't know the very first thing about childbirth or taking care of a baby, I still feel like a kid! I just remember sitting there, and saying a little prayer that everything would be alright and that I would be a good mother. Instantly, I felt like everything would be okay and I had nothing to worry about. Then I woke up Tyler in the middle of the night by running onto the bed with tears pouring down my face. I probably should have waited until morning, because he thought something was seriously wrong, ha oops...
If there's anything that pregnancy has done for me, it's definitely reaffirmed my belief that life begins at conception. I know that there are many people who disagree with this viewpoint, and refer to the growing child as a "clump of cells" or a "fetus." But seeing that ultrasound at nine weeks was unbelievable. Even though the baby was the size of an grape, she looked like a little teddy bear with arms, legs, and a big head. Her heartbeat was so loud, too. She was still a person, and she was so beautiful. It hurts my heart that there are so many women out there who view these little miracles as mistakes that need to be removed from their body. Pregnancy is so fascinating to me. I feel so lucky for my body, and the amazing ability I have to grow this person, no matter how hard it gets.
Here's our little girl at 20 weeks! We were SO happy when we found out we were having a girl, you have no idea. I've already gone a little crazy with the girl clothes and accessories. It's great.

So far, the pregnancy has been a little harder than I thought it would be. For one thing, I basically threw up every day up until 17 weeks. Then I had insane heartburn, I was seriously downing tums left and right. I feel good now, but the hardest part is not being able to be physically active. I had this whole pregnancy workout plan mapped out, but I realized I just can't do it. I know some expecting women who hit up the gym every week and that's awesome. Every pregnancy is different, but for me, I can't walk a mile before I start having major cramps. I really can't wait to run again... Never thought I'd say that. Oh, and as far as pregnancy cravings, I haven't really had them. Weird, right? Maybe I do, but I can't tell because I had cravings even when I wasn't pregnant. Instead of wanting one certain thing, it's more just spur-of-the-moment things, like "Did someone say Carl's Jr? That sounds good. Where are the car keys? Let's go." And that's basically been my life this summer.
Also, Tyler started a company in Sacramento! That's pretty much been his dream for a while. He's in LOVE with his hometown, and I'll admit, it's grown on me. We're out here for the summer, then we'll be back in Logan in the fall to have our baby. I've done door-to-door sales with Tyler for the past two summers, so it's definitely been NICE to have a break from that, let me tell ya.
This is a little bit of what our summer has looked like so far...
(Get ready for lots of pics of our garden)
^^eggs from the chickens! I would have never thought to have chickens, but free eggs? It just makes sense.
^^ Our harvest! We are SO proud of our garden, however, I don't know what in the world we're going to do with all these vegetables. You weren't expecting me to eat them all, were you? Ha!
^^ handsome farmer Joe taking down all the peaches from the tree. There were DOZENS. Jam, anyone?
^^who doesn't love Chinatown?
^^the foggy (but still gorgeous) view of the Golden Gate, on one of my favorite beaches.
I promise to post some belly pics soon, once I manage to get some (unrealistically) flattering ones.