Sunday, September 15, 2013

Me and Him.


Oh, hi Blog. Lost you there for a bit. Thought I'd share an update on the exciting-- or not-so-exciting -- happenings.

 We're back in Logan and just started our senior year of college. Now that we're done working for a bit, it's seriously so precious to have this time together-- just the two of us.

Today I wasn't feeling good at ALL. I was whimpering like a helpless child, but in my defense, my stomach was killing me. It's days like today that make me so happy that I married Tyler. He laid in bed with me and rubbed my back until I fell asleep, and he even ran to the gas station to get me some medicine. That guy just loves me so much! Sometimes I just don't get why he settled for me, but hey, I'll take it!

 It recently hit me that we've been married for 19 months! Where has the time gone? Marriage is definitely not at all what I thought it'd be, or what the world perceives it to be. Prior to meeting Tyler, I always assumed that those 19-year-old Utah brides were absolutely INSANE! Why would anyone be in such a rush to give up their independence? I mean, live a little, right? I told all my friends, "trust me, I'm going to travel the world and buy and car and have a career before I even THINK of getting hitched." Plus according to the world's standards, you're supposed to date someone for years, then move in together, then maybe five or six years down the road, when you're both in your thirties, start talking about commitment. When I was 18 (gosh, that sounds SO young), I met the nicest guy. ever. And he just happened to make me laugh all the time. And he just happened to want the same things out of life that I wanted. It was hard NOT to imagine a future with him. When you have faith in the future, you don't need to date someone for years to make sure it'll work out. You just know it will.

 ...And if you think that I'm still crazy for getting married at 19, then what's it to you?

 But I am loving this time together. Just the two of us, in college, and playing house. We're absolute best buds, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I was looking through these pictures on my hard drive. Holy cow, we've been so many places together! I am one lucky girl.


On another note... is it normal to get baby hungry when you hit the two year mark? I don't know what it is, but every time a Huggies commercial comes on, or I see a picture of my nieces or nephews, I can't help but think "Oh my goodness, I NEED one!" I may or may not have been utterly bored one day and tried one of those "baby maker" morph things online... and boy, our virtually morphed baby was CUTE if I may say so myself.